A tshechu (Dzongkha: ཚེས་བཅུ།, literally "day ten") is any of the annual religious Bhutanese festivals held in each district or dzongkhag of Bhutan on the tenth day of a month of the lunar Tibetan calendar.

Steeped in tradition, reverence, and vibrant cultural heritage, the Tshechu festivals of Bhutan stand as timeless celebrations that captivate the soul and ignite the spirit. As the beating heart of Bhutanese religious and cultural life, these festivals offer a mesmerizing glimpse into the kingdom's rich tapestry of beliefs, rituals, and artistic expression.

Rooted in the teachings of Buddhism and honoring revered figures such as Guru Rinpoche, Tshechus are sacred rites of passage, where the past meets the present in a dazzling display of devotion.

With their colourful dances, intricate costumes, and age-old traditions, Tshechu festivals transport participants and onlookers alike to a realm where time seems to stand still, and the divine presence is palpable in every beat of the drum and sway of the dancer.

Immersing yourself in a Tshechu festival is not only a memorable experience but also the best way to truly understand and embrace the essence of Bhutanese culture.

Upcoming Tshechu

Druk Wangyel Tshechu

When: Dec 13, 2024 - Dec 13, 2024

Druk Wangyel Tshechu is held in honour of his majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck and the Royal Bhutan Army for a successful military operation in which Indian militants hiding in the southern regions of Bhutan were successfully flushed out in December 2003.

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Punakha Drubchen

When: Mar 06, 2025 - Mar 08, 2025

Holding a historical significance, Punakha Drubchen Festival is celebrated to commemorate the victory of Bhutanese over the invading Tibetan armies. Upon attending the festival, tourists will not only learn about the rich culture of Bhutan but can also relive the era dating back to the 17th-century.

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Paro Tshechu

When: Apr 08, 2025 - Apr 12, 2025

Every year on the 10th date of the second month of the Bhutanese calendar, a festival is held in the charming valley of Paro to celebrate the birth of Guru Rinpoche, a highly revered saint who spread Vajrayana Buddhism in Bhutan.

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Popular Tshechu

Haa Summer Festival

When: Jul 14, 2024 - Jul 15, 2024

The Haa Summer Festival is a lively and uplifting celebration of traditional living-culture, nomadic lifestyles, unique Bhutanese cuisine, traditional sports and religious performances. It provides unparalleled insight into the lives and traditions of Bhutan’s nomadic herders.

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Druk Wangyel Tshechu

When: Dec 13, 2024 - Dec 13, 2024

Druk Wangyel Tshechu is held in honour of his majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck and the Royal Bhutan Army for a successful military operation in which Indian militants hiding in the southern regions of Bhutan were successfully flushed out in December 2003.

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Nimalung Tshechu

When: Jun 14, 2024 - Jun 16, 2024

Nimalung Tshechu is a 3-days festival, and it is started with the usual chams and dances performed in other dzongkhags but on the final day, people are blessed with the display of Guru Tshengye Thongdrol in the morning.

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Bhutanese festival

"Beyond spiritual affairs, Tshechu is a celebration of community, camaraderie, and shared Bhutanese identity. Families come together, dressed in their finest traditional attire, to enjoy the festivities. It's a time of joy, feasting, and dancing, fostering a strong sense of unity and belonging among the Bhutanese people"

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